Customer Case

Kiamo has enabled Axiome to optimize the quality of service of its Customer Relations department Kiamo has enabled Axiome to optimize the quality of service of its Customer Relations department

98% Quality of service
3'30 Average call
processing duration
< 1 min Average customer
wait time

Axiome is an insurance broker belonging to the Axelliance group, and meeting the expectations of French and foreign companies by providing insurance and related services. The company is structured around two departments: personal insurance and property insurance. The Axelliance group is among the Top 10 insurance brokers in France.

The requirement, always give their customers better service

The Customer Relations department of the Axiome group is structured around three services processing all interactions with the customers (life assurance, health and special risks). This department consists of about forty managers handling the various requests from the members (reimbursement of medical services, hospital care, optical needs, sick leave, invalidity, contributions, new members, membership cancellations, etc.).

The vocation of the Axiome group is to always provide its customers with greater satisfaction, by capitalizing on the productivity of its teams. The company relies on a highly human culture of the customer service, by providing its teams with powerful and scalable computer tools.

Before implementing Kiamo software, the Axiome group had no integrated customer relations management solution. The customer service therefore had to cope with problems of flexibility and data re-entry. The independent software used was unable to fluidify the processing of customer exchanges. In addition, it was essential for the service managers to have real-time supervision tables and consolidated statistics.

In this context, the Axiome group decided to look for a solution to improve its customer relations.

The solution kiamo the choice of efficiency

To choose its customer relations solution, the Axiome group decided to shortlist 5 major solutions on the market, including Kiamo. These solutions were compared on the basis of 4 main criteria: easy installation, user-friendly interface, overall cost and the human relations around the project.

The General Management and the IT Management, jointly with the Business Managers, finally chose Kiamo software, since it fully satisfied all the expectations of the Axiome group Customer Relations department.

Quickly deployed, the Kiamo solution integrated perfectly into the existing telephone and IT environment. Kiamo interconnects directly with the IPBX already installed and communicates seamlessly with the insurance tools used by the group. Currently, some forty managers use Kiamo software to process the customer exchanges. For example, they handle all the inbound calls from members easily. A technical supervisor manages the solution independently. The customized indicators allow the business supervisors to supervise the activity in real time.

Kiamo’s implementation was extremely beneficial for our customer relations. Apart from daily management of customer exchanges, Kiamo software allows us to supervise the quantitative and qualitative efficiency of our departments in real time. We can also interact with the managers, resulting in shorter wait times for customers and in particular more calls answered.

Before Kiamo, the answering rate could drop as low as 75%. The software currently enables us to maintain the quality of service between 97 and 98%. These figures clearly indicate the impact Kiamo has had on the quality of our customers relations.

Thierry Martin Systems and Networks Manager

Concrete results Numerous features

98% Quality of service
3'30 Average call
processing duration
< 1 min Average customer
wait time

The functional diversity of Kiamo software improves the managers’ daily work. During call campaigns, they benefit from call transfer and automatic display of the caller’s number, thereby making them more productive. The supervisors obtain real-time data on the number of managers busy, calls waiting and delays. Consequently, they can interact immediately with the managers and control performance levels (fewer abandoned calls while waiting, more calls answered, etc.).

On the whole, operators appreciate the user-friendliness of the Kiamo interface. They have become completely independent after a few weeks’ use and take full advantage of the software’s functional diversity.

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